
Have you seen the latest cover of Newsweek? The issue, “What Silicon Valley Really Thinks Of Women” features an unassuming working woman who realizes her skirt…


Author Toni Morrison anointed President Bill Clinton “America’s First Black President,” and in a play on that title and what is sure to be a controversial move, “Newsweek” has namedPresident Barack Obama, America’s “First Gay President,” reports Politico. “Newsweek” released the following preview of a piece by Andrew Sullivan analyzing Obama’s announcement on marriage equality: “It’s easy to write off […]


In a Newsweek cover story titled “The Reinvention of the Reverend,” writers Allison Samuels and Jerry Adler give their perspective of ehy the “indefatigable” Sharpton still has work to do and what his evolution tells us about race and politics in Obama’s America: ——————— If the Rev. Al Sharpton didn’t exist, he would have had […]