Love And Lifestyle

We all love our men and want our men to be our so-called “best friend.” That makes sense in theory, but in reality, all this does is cause unnecessary drama. Your man is NOT your best friend, because if he were, he would know the TRUE number of men you’ve slept with! Only your dearest […]

Love And Lifestyle

Nothing is more intoxicating than dating a toxic guy. You know – the ones you would never introduce to your family for fear of being scorned; the guy who doesn’t come to the door to get you for your date, but instead lays on the horn of his sports car with adult-labeled ‘noise music’ blaring. […]


VIA MYCOLUMBUSJOY.COM In today’s mixed up, liberal, non traditional, everything goes society, it’s not strange to hear of sins against the flesh or the routine breaking of sacred institutions such as marriage. Celebrities lead the way with their wild love em and leave em lifestyles. We watch our favorite movie stars marry 3 to 4 […]