About DL Hughley

The multi-talented comedian, author, actor, and activist first propelled to stardom with the Kings of Comedy Tour and its subsequent movie release. His career further exploded with a hit television show, The Hughleys, followed up by a success- ful book, numerous comedy specials, and television appearances. Known for being astute and politically savvy, D.L. served as host of his own late night talk show on CNN, D.L. Hughley Breaks the News and was a recent contestant on the 16th season of the hit ABC show “Dancing with the Stars,” alongside partner Cheryl Burke. D.L. is also a regular on the late night talk show circuit, including always-memorable appearances on “Real Time with Bill Maher,” and “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” He is frequently requested as guest host on such shows as, “The View” and “Live with Kelly”.

Now this is awesome news. Scientists have discovered something that could save a lot of lives. Listen to the audio player to hear what could…

Thinking your romance is getting serious? Be careful! Listen to this list by Jasmine Sanders to make sure it’s not just a summer fling. Click on the audio player…

Researchers analyzed Americans alcohol consumption from 2011 to 2013 to find out which states are the drunkest. Listen to the audio player to hear the…

Teens are hard enough to understand already without them speak in coded slang terms all the time! Luckily, Jasmine Sanders has ten slang words and their definitions for…

  Our writer today comes with a bit of baggage. She has children with two different men, but she’s currently dating someone who accepts them.…

Talk about a Human Being of the Week! Listen to the audio player to hear why the president of University of Cincinnati gave away his $200,000…

Pastor Jay tells us the church is where people come to make power moves. Listen to the audio player to hear how to do it with God’s…

Researchers say in times of economic crisis, parents favor daughters over sons. Listen to the audio player to hear why parents are more likely to…

Do you ever wonder why teenagers are so impatient and impulsive? Listen to the audio player to hear the real reason behind the madness in…

Mr. Ramirez got D.L. Hughley to reveal something else from his childhood. Listen to the audio player to hear what his favorite nursery rhyme was! Sign Up For Our…

These 10-year-old boys are proof bravery comes at any age. Listen to the audio player to hear how they saved two babies and why their…

Sometimes the definition of cheating varies from person to person. Click on the audio player to hear Jasmine Sanders explain 10 thing some people consider cheating, on…