

A Chinese man has gotten married three times in three years in three different Providences. Which by the way is illegal. His wives each thought they were the only one and once one of them found out about the others and turned him in. But Damon is convinced he wanted to get caught. HEAD BACK […]


Tom really wowed his boos on Valentine’s Day and they’re still on cloud 9. Sherri and Kym had so much fun with Tom that they don’t understand how they’re supposed to date other people because there is no topping Tom Joyner. Kym calls it the best Valentine’s Day she’s had and she didn’t even have […]


Tune in to the show tonight to catch another edition of the  #OhSoReal Scenario  ! Tonight, Angie is asking for your advice, give us a call, (844) 258-8762 or feel free to leave your comments on our Facebook page! Angie and Tim have been married for one year. Angie says when they were dating Tim kept his home spotless […]


Listen up #Lovers, lets get your week started off the right way! Each and every Monday night is exclusively for you! That’s right, if you have a playlist of four to five songs that you’d like to share for My Music Monday please visit LoveAndR&B’s Facebook page to submit your songs in a direct message. In just a […]


Guy has yet another gripe with TSA. He really cannot understand why they always cut off the locks he puts on his luggage. There are TSA approved locks that open with a universal key that agents at all airports have and those are the only locks that he buys. He thinks they’re just too lazy […]


John Legend is literally always busy, he’s on The Voice, he has new music and a documentary premiering on HBO tonight. The film is called “United Skates” and it explores “Black skating culture” which is unfortunately disappearing.  The film discusses “how important it was for new artists to be able to play” at the rinks, especially […]


Did you see Spongebob get jumped this weekend? Huggy saw it when he was checking the news on Worlds Star. Spongebob looked like he was hosting a little kid’s birthday party when one of them took a swing at him. And from there it was on! A bunch of little kids jumped on poor Spongebob […]


Today’s word is quite large! Sybil needed a little help bringing it. The word is grandiloquent, if you have no idea what it means don’t worry, most people don’t. It is often used in reference to someone who is “over barring” or “over the top” Politicians are often called grandiloquent. Donald Trump is a “perfect […]


The Jussie Smollett story has taken so many twists and turns that it’s gotten pretty confusing. Roland Martin talks to Kathy Chaney of the Chicago Suntimes to try to straighten it all out. The last thing to come out was that “Jussie may talk with detectives today” to further “flush out whats going on.” Last […]


The Rainbow PUSH Coalition and Citizenship Education Fund will host its 22nd Annual Wall Street Project Economic Summit, February 20 – February 22, 2019. Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr. urges everyone to attend. This year’s theme is “400 Years Later: Closing the Wealth Gap, Expanding Opportunity.” It will feature sessions on closing the racial wealth gap, advancing consumer protection, the state of telecom and […]


Guy’s favorite part about performing at comedy clubs is getting ready. When all of the comedian’s are backstage they go back and forth with each other and it’s hilarious. But, there is noting better than the sidewalk show. Outside of the comedy club you wan often find comedians playing the dozens and there are no […]


Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid settled their lawsuits with the NFL and that’s a good thing! But, some people feels like they “sold out” which Chris Paul doesn’t understand. How can you be a sell out when you got what you wanted? This whole thing was based on “a mans right to work” and Kaepernick […]