About Magic 95.5

Classic Soul and R&B!

1. You’re Mean to the Cat Confession: In the months before my ex and I landed in counseling, I was a bitch to our cat.…

Videos, WTTE Exclusives

Oh my stars, this fall ABC may add another reason for people to rearrange their schedules to watch TV on a Thursday night. Shonda Rhimes,…

Latasha Green (pictured) was arrested and charged with aggravated child abuse after she allegedly beat her 6-year-old son so badly that he needed to be…


When I worked in both corporate America and for other law firms, I have to admit, I would often times become distracted at some point…

So Beautiful

Ignore the fact that the left image kinda resembles a mug shot. I think I did a pretty amazing job contouring my face with Ashunta Sheriff‘s…


As we approach the 60th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, NAACPConnect is hosting a live Google Hangout on Air on Wednesday, May 14 at 4:30PM…


Ann Coulter (pictured) is the kind of person who makes you question your vow to never wish ill on on a person. I don’t especially…

With early summer comes wedding season and lots of images of flowy dresses, delectable desserts and articles about love and commitment. I like all of…


Once upon a time I decided to give pole dancing a try, and long story short, I’m now addicted. Strong is the new sexy, however…


Actor, playwright, and film mogul Tyler Perry (pictured), who had a massive fire at his Atlanta-based mega-million-dollar studio last year, is now reportedly suing the producers…


Lexus and TV One recently announced that season four of VERSES AND FLOW will return. It brings a new host Laz Alonso, as well as performances by  award-winning artists. K. Michelle, Ruben Studdard and Gary Clark Jr.  are just a few of the  artists who will perform when Verses and Flow returns for season 4 […]