About Magic 95.5

Classic Soul and R&B!


When I was a youth track coach a decade ago, I found that running with the kids everyday was like a fountain of youth. The…

Trayvon Martin‘s parents appeared on CNN, voicing their opinions on Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law. This week was the first public meeting of the 19-member Task…

News & Gossip

Shaunie O’Neal has given Jennifer Williams, Royce Reed & Keisha Nichols the pink slip! Word on the street is that Jennifer Williams, Royce Reed and…

News & Gossip

Did Chris Brown and Drake fight in a NYC Night club? Reports are surfacing today that Drake and Chris Brown allegedly got into a huge…

In addition to being the star of her own WE TV reality series “L.A. Hair,” Kim Kimble was the principle hairstylist on Whitney Houston‘s final…


As I listened to the new radio ad asking African Americans to show up to the polls for President Obama, I couldn’t help but laugh…

News & Gossip

Yesterday they confirmed their new reality show and today they’re confirming that they are indeed a couple! The former NLF great gushed about his new…

R&B singer, Tweet–not to be confused with what you do when you’re on Twitter–is back and giving us new music every Tuesday. Last week she…

Celebrity body doubles isn’t a novel idea. Many stars use them for stand-ins, stunts, etc. So when news came out that Rihanna used one in…


Father’s Day is a time to honor the man in your life who helps bring home the bacon, spends quality time with you, has an…

News & Gossip

Did Diddy @cassie on Twitter, so we know it’s real??? Even though they’ve never confirmed that they’re a couple, it looks like Cassie & Diddy…