Tom Joyner

Tom Joyner

When I became a father in 2014, it was an awakening. I finally felt like full fledged ‘adult’ for the first time. Having a daughter…

Tom Joyner, WTTE Exclusives

Ciara and Russell Wilson are not keeping their love a secret. Most recently the duo shared photos before a friends party and a Prince concert…

Sallie Mae got you down? Worried about student loans? Well, that’s one problem Chicago teen Arianna Alexander doesn’t have. The straight A student with a 5.1…

  6/15/15- Sybil Wilkes discusses the morning’s news and headlines on the TJMS including the updates on the Dallas headquarters shooting and the NAACP’s Rachel Dolezal…

Tom Joyner

  Tom: Good morning Mellody! What are we covering today?  Mellody: Good morning. Today we are talking about credit card debt, Tom. Over the past 6…

It makes sense that Janelle Monae doesn’t recognized the normal barrier of time and space and considers herself an otherwordly spirit. Her music and style…

Tom Joyner

Dear Rachel Dolezar: Here’s why I’m not going to let you and the media distract me from all the important issues Black America is facing…

Tom Joyner

Actress, singer and reality TV star Demetria McKinney opens up about how she became homeless at 17 and was able to overcome not only homelessness,…

  Comedian Michael Blackson is performing at Caroline’s in New York City this weekend. He talked to the Tom Joyner Morning Show about everything from…

  Have you ever taken an Uber? Well, I have and its pretty much replaced cabs when I want to get around. Uber is in…

Tom Joyner

  Jacque Reid talks to Ritz Clinging, the creator of I Love My Muff, a line of feminine hygiene products meant to not only clean,…

Tom Joyner

  6/12/15- Click the link above to hear the Celebrity Snitch crown this week’s Bamma of the Week, but first listen to him countdown the…