Tom Joyner

Tom Joyner

The homegoing service for Dr. Maya Angelou is set for Saturday, June 7 at 10:00 a.m. at Wake Forest University’s Wait Chapel. You can watch…

06/05/14 – Comedian Chris Paul seems to know why Will Smith let his daughter lay in the bed with a grown man and it has…

06/05/14 – Huggy Lowdown dishes on white people getting a little too comfortable using the N-word. He also gives Justin Bieber a new name. All this…

Tom Joyner

Ruth Carol Taylor was the first African-American airline flight attendant in America. She made the historic mark back on February 11, 1958. After working as…

Tom Joyner, WTTE Exclusives

06/05/14 – Donald Sterling has finally sold the LA Clippers. Find out what made him drop his lawsuit and why the NFL decided to drop the…

06/04/14 – Sybil Wilkes discusses the latest in the swap of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, an effigy of President Obama found in Missouri and the Louisiana…

Tom Joyner

President Lyndon B. Johnson‘s legacy has been a topic in political circles of late, with the 50th anniversaries of the passing of the Civil Rights…

“The soul of Otis Redding is in Chicago” – ‘The Ellen Show’ blog Talk about pressure. But then again, maybe not. Meet spoken word artist, Harold Green.…

Tom Joyner

Wiz Khalifa is enjoying the life! Music, his child, wife, dogs and most importantly weed. In an interview on a New York based radio show,…

Tom Joyner

June doesn’t only mark the beginning of summer, but marks nonstop tours from your favorite artists! This time of year is the highly anticipated Black…

Tom Joyner

06/03/14 – Comedian Damon Williams gives us the seriously ignorant news this morning. Click above to hear the elderly couple who scared away a robber…

06/03/14 – Sybil Wilkes discusses this morning’s news headlines, including the new release date for Jesse Jackson Jr.,Phil Jackson’s NBA fine and much more!