

CNN’s John King reports authorities have told him that they identified a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings. King reports that video from  Lord & Taylor department store near the site of the second explosion and a Boston television station led to the new development, CNN reports from an anonymous source. The department store video […]


Beyonce’s colorful advertising spread for H&M’s summer collection. SOURCE RELATED::8-Year-Old Boy Killed In Boston Blast Showed Support For Trayvon Martin RELATED::Michelle Williams Says No More Destiny’s Child…For a Long Time


Dove hired a FBI sketch artist to draw seven women as they described themselves from behind a curtain. Then, someone else is asked to describe the same woman and the sketch artist completes another drawing. In every example, the women drawn from self-descriptions are uglier than those drawn from a stranger’s description. Dove: “We decided […]


Jamie Foxx has a shocking new look. The actor was spotted on the set of “The Amazing Spider-Man 2″ in New York City on Monday night, where we got the…


Talk about a showstopper. SOURCE RELATED::Kendrick Lamaar Responds To Jay Z’s “Open Letter” RELATED::10 Of The Best Songs About Butts


1. A cashmere sweater. They’re cozy, soft to the touch and classic, which means you can wear the same one for years to come. And, you can usually score cashmere cheap if you scour the sale racks. 2. Red lipstick. No matter what your skin tone, you can find a red that works for you. (Even if […]


1. Former Patriots player Joe Andruzzi carrying an injured survivor to safety. Source: imgur.com 2. Two Lutheran pastors offering comfort. 3. This projection on the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Source: sarablask.com 4. Followed by this message. Source: 90sold.tumblr.com 5. And this. Source: imgur.com 6. Patton Oswalt’s reminder that the good people in this world outnumber the bad. Source: imgur.com 7. This stranger offering help. Source: melodramaticf00l.tumblr.com 8. Google making […]

News & Gossip

Photos are currently coming in from today’s explosion at The Boston Marathon. WARNING: NSFW 1. Source: @ryanpbroderick 2. Source: @ryanpbroderick 3. Source: @ryanpbroderick 4. Source: @brm90 5. Source: @ryanpbroderick 6. Source: @MichelleFields 7. Source: @runnersworld 8. Source: i.imgur.com 9. Source: @ryanpbroderick 10. Source: @JackieBrunoNECN 11. Source: @GlobeDavidLRyan 12. Source: statigr.am 13. Source: statigr.am 14. 15. Source: statigr.am 16. Source: @Livestream 17. Via: instagram.com 18. Via: instagram.com 19. 20. Via: http://David%20L.%20Ryan/The%20Boston%20Globe%20via%20Getty%20Images 21. Via: http://David%20L.%20Ryan/The%20Boston%20Globe%20via%20Getty%20Images 22. Source: instagram.com […]


[ooyala code=”w1djUwYjrsvd8Tre2GZzSIXa7aVUoYDv” player_id=”undefined”] Radio One held it’s annual radiothon for Nationwide Children’s Hospital at Easton in Columbus this year and helped raise over $20,000.