Radio One Exclusives

  Oleebo heads down warrior lane as he remembers “Ghostbusters”! Listen to him reminisce as he discusses the 30th anniversary of the film in his  Bootleg Movie…

Richmond, VA – Former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and his wife, Maureen have been found guilty on federal corruption charges in Richmond. After two weeks…

Double mastectomies might not be every woman’s saving grace after all. Listen to the audio player to hear the new findings that indicate risks are…

Forget  Human Being of the Week – this man is human being of the YEAR! Listen to the audio player to hear the story of how…

D.L. Hughley‘s voicemail can reveal some of the craziest things. Listen to the audio player to hear the message his doctor left that revealed something…

Radio One Exclusives

Justin Ross Harris has been indicted on 8 counts in regard to the death of his toddler son, whom he left in a hot car…

Radio One Exclusives

Today is the day that fast food workers in over 150 cities plan to strike in an effort to get higher minimum wages set. Currently,…

No more hot, sweaty days is just one reason to be happy summer is coming to an end. But listen to the audio player to…

Here we go again. Oleebo gets interrupted by his Dominican landlord, but he was still in his own way able to review the new movie…

Just when aspiring football player Michael Sams NFL career seemed over before it got started, the Dallas Cowboys are giving him his chance by being…

Everyone wants to know: Who is Jasmine Sanders? Well, here’s what you need to know about D.L.’s right-hand woman! Get “The D.L. Hughley Show” Delivered…

According to TMZ, Chris Brown has accepted a plea deal in his long awaited D.C. assault case. Brown had been charged with a misdemeanor assault…