Cancer is an unwanted guest who shows up at any given time. It has no respecter of person, finances, social status, race, religion or political party affiliation. Cancer tries to dominate and lie dormant in our lives. I say “no” to cancer and “yes” to a cure. I am Miss Community Clovia asking for your […]

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Early detection is key in the fight against breast cancer. Let’s walk it out at the American Cancer Society’s…

  WHAT IS BREAST CANCER IN MEN? From the American Cancer Society: A breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts from cells of the…

  Are you with us? We are in the fight against breast cancer in women, men and children. My cancer fighter’s team is ready to take on…

Community Clo, Kim Jones-Booker and Sylvia Alexander-Wall are exciting about the annual “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” brought to you by the American Cancer Society.…

Sylvia Alexander-Wall and I are exciting about the annual “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk”. Please support our team, “Kimmee/ The Ladies of Elegance Inc.…