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Places with the best dishes?

 Thailand has amazing food. I love Thai food in general. They have amazing food. The Caribbean—my family is from the Caribbean so I’m pretty partial – of course Jamaica and Grenada have some amazing food. I haven’t been to Brazil but one of my contributors told me Brazil has some of the most amazing food too.


Is there anything special that you do when you travel?

 Everywhere I go I try to collect a piece of artwork. I have like a shrine that’s getting kind of crazy and hefty. My idea is that one day I’ll have a house big enough to create like a wall of travel from the different countries around the world. But you know in New York City that’ll be pretty awesome to find a wall that big. I’m dreaming big, I’m dreaming big!


What work do you do with Essence? Do you share your traveling experience with their readers as well?

 I’m a Senior Marketing Manager over there and I actually just did, in their June travel issue, a travel smarter story. So a lot of those trips I share online I was grateful for the opportunity to share those and some new tips with the Essence Magazine reader. The best times to fly, the best time to book travel. So one of the tips I shared was that it’s really smart to try to book a trip before or after holiday week. So if you think about it, travel is all about supply and demand. If you travel the week of Christmas, flights may be 2x as much as they typically cost but if you travel the week before Christmas you might get half the cost because no one’s really traveling that week because everyone’s saving that time in December for the week of Christmas. So I’ve gotten ridiculous deals the week before Christmas or after Thanksgiving. There’s no need to travel for 2x as much if you can figure out a way to go for cheaper. People always think I have so much money because I’m traveling all the time but it’s just that you have to be smart about it. Another thing I shared is if I go somewhere, to a region I’ve never been to before—I’m going to Iceland at the end of August. There’s also a free layover if you do Iceland Airlines. So you can tack on a trip to Italy or Germany or Amsterdam. So I’m doing Amsterdam for 3 days. I’m knocking out 2 countries in one trip which saves a ton of money.  I try to see the world as much and as long as possible.


Who has the best nightlife?

Thailand has some of the best nightlife scenes. It’s on a different level! One of the great things about Thailand is that there’s so many different ways that you can do it. There’s amazing beaches, they have the elephant park and tiger kingdom but there’s also a ridiculous nightlife. So if you want to go and have the most turnt up time of your life you can totally do that in Bangkok. Ibiza might have the best nightlife too.


What’s next for Soul Society 101?

Our next thing is to start working on events. We have a mix and mingle Meetup series that we’ve been doing since the beginning of the year but we’re going to start planning cultural events. So there’s a ‘Taste Of’ series that I’m starting and it’s bringing that experience of another country to the US. We’re going to start in NYC because that’s my home base, so the first event will likely be Taste Of South Africa so we’re working with the Tourism Board and our experiences overall to bring the food, the music, the culture, the whole experience. For South Africa specifically it’ll be the Brookyln Braai, so bringing the Braai experience to South Africa which is like a big cookout that everyone always has on the weekend. Bring that experience to Brooklyn so people can, you know, taste the food, the drinks, see performances and have that whole experience. And from there hopefully do Taste Of Italy, Taste Of Jamaica, taste of all these different countries of the world and bring that experience to the people. And hopefully this will encourage people to see the world. The goal is to bring the authenticity of the country to the people.


What is your IG and Twitter Handle?

 Instagram: @SoulSociety / Twitter @SoulSociety101

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Rondel Holder Shares his Motive Behind Soul Society 101 Launch, Gives Travel Tips  was originally published on

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