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Shelves of bug spray for sale at Walgreens pharmacy.

Source: Jeff Greenberg / Getty

Is bug spray helping people get on high on Indy’s east side?

The answer is yes according to Indianapolis firefighter Scott Lebherz who spoke exclusively to  IndyStar. According to him, KD, which is a common name for various street drugs, can take many forms — marijuana, spice, tobacco, even banana leaves — but shares a common trait: all laced with a heavy-duty bug spray, like Raid.

Via Indy Star

It’s cheap — you can buy a bag for about $20, Lebherz said — and it gives users a 45-minute, zombie-like high that leaves them nearly catatonic.

“You look at what it does to a bug,” he said, “and then you got to think what it’s doing to your brain, and your body and everything else.”  

Daniel Rusyniak, the medical director of the Indiana Poison Center told IndyStar, despite likely knowing the dangers of ingesting bug spray, people who are most likely to  do so are those who already are struggling with deep addiction and abuse issues.

Plus, the officers can’t arrest someone for possessing a household substance like bug spray, IMPD Sgt. Chris Wilburn told IndyStar.

Via Indy Star

“If someone sprays a legal substance on something that is harmful to their health,” Wilburn said, “that is not … in their scope to diagnose this person as being a criminal.

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Are People Using Bug Spray To Get High In Indy?  was originally published on