
On April 20, the cannabis community will be celebrating 4/20; a day in that began as a weed smoking moment of solidarity. As years went by, it’s eventually evolved into a day of awareness and myth busting. There’s still a lot of weed smoking, though. Regardless of anyone’s personal stance on cannabis, everyone likely realizes […]


At some point during the parenting experience, a child is going to ask, “Is that a boy or a girl?” It’s a valid question for a young child. They’re realizing that the world is larger than their immediate surroundings and are starting to crave details. That’s a red car, the ball is round, the cookie […]


I’m proud to say that I’ve finally joined the masses of people blown away by comedic mastermind Jordan Peele’s thriller Get Out. I’ve never been a horror movie fan but from the time I saw the trailer, I knew that it wasn’t going to be the typical stab and slash flick. From the beginning of […]


There’s a toddler gym where the mostly white and wealthy folks go that I take my son to. It’s so refreshing to see the children play with each other without judgment. This isn’t to say that some of the kids aren’t jerks but they’re equal opportunity jerks. Still, some moms and nannies watch with laser-focused […]


We’ve all heard about the problems associated with kids consuming too much technology. It discourages critical thinking, imagination and other useful skills that they’ll need to be productive adults. Aside from limiting a child’s consumption of tech or banning it altogether, there is a way to turn a love of gadgetry into useful knowledge that […]


Over the past couple of years, The term “black girl magic” has become commonplace in our vocabulary for good reason. Black girls and women have been showing extraordinary skill in everything from academics to athletics. Even in entertainment, Black women and girls are breaking out of traditional, stereotypical roles to ones that show complex characters with […]


My editor brought up an interesting topic that is discussed ad nauseam but rarely resolved. It’s a problem that many single mothers have that leads…


Being a parent forces you to notice things in your surroundings that may have never before crossed your mind. One of them is the dreaded…


As the holiday shopping window closes, options are becoming scarce but that doesn’t mean that all hope is lost. There are still a lot of…


I am tired, angry, and discouraged with the number of deaths by gun violence over the last 2-3 years. As a mother with two sons,…


Just the other day while on a walk with Liam, I heard a woman not too far from us scream “N***a, you must got me…

Could you raise a transgender child? One mother speaks about raising her daughter…as a boy. “One day I asked Penelope, “What’s the matter, love? Why are…