
President Barack Obama delivered a speech in Selma, Al today to mark the 50th anniversary of the civil rights march known as “Bloody Sunday”. On March 7, 1965, police attacked demonstrators who attempted to cross the Edmund Pettus bridge to protest African-Americans who were denied the right to vote. The country’s first African-American president led […]

National News

    Fifty years ago, police in Selma, Ala., brutally beat peaceful protestors attempting to march over the now infamous Edmund Pettus Bridge — a roadway named after a Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan— to demonstrate in support of voting rights. That day, dubbed “Bloody Sunday,” left many, including Congressman John Lewis, battered […]

  50 years ago this week, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and a host of others, including Congressman John Lewis then a young civil rights…

Tom Joyner

  Jacque Reid talks to Congresswoman Terri Sewell about the 50th celebration of Bloody Sunday in Selma, AL. “As a daughter of Selma, we are so…

This weekend, Selma, Alabama celebrates its significant place in history with the Selma 50 celebration. 50 years ago this weekend, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King,…