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Guy 1: “As a disclaimer, assuming I like the girl, I would always have sex with her on the first date. The only time I wouldn’t is if we didn’t hit it off or I didn’t want to complicate things before I figured out how I feel. And even if I didn’t really like her but she was pushing to have sex, I’d be hard-pressed to stop myself. [Hard-pressed? I see what you did there. —ZB] I definitely would not respect her less and even if the sex was bad, I’d want to see her again. Obviously sex is important, but bad sex on the first date wouldn’t be a deal-breaker. If I felt good about her then I’d ask her out again, regardless of how she is in bed.”

Guy 2: “I wouldn’t care if we had sex on the first date. Obviously waiting can add to the excitement, but it wouldn’t make me less interested in her as long as the sex was good. As for losing respect for her, that would be pretty hypocritical.”

Guy 3: “Whether I go out with her again honestly depends on the sex. If it was great, I’ll call her again. If it’s meh, it would then go to how the conversation was before and how the date progressed. Respect-wise, I wouldn’t respect a woman any less for something I would do—and did with her, actually.”

Guy 4: “If I had sex with a woman on the first date, I wouldn’t respect her less. I’d just want to have more sex! The only thing that would make me feel weird and probably not get in touch would be if we were having a crummy date and already didn’t have a connection but then had sex anyway. If we had great sex, then I’d want to see her again.”

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Have guys ever made you feel any kind of way about sleeping with them on the first night? Comment Below!

Here’s What Guys Think If You Have Sex on the First Date  was originally published on