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McGraw wasn’t arrested until Thursday. “Yes, he deserved it,” McGraw told reporters, referring to Jones. “The next time we see him, we might have to kill him.”

Kill him? Really? Why are Trump’s supporters so filled with hate?

Because Trump fires them up with fabricated versions of events.

“He was a rough guy, and he was punching. And we had some people — some rough guys like we have right in here — and they started punching back,” Trump, referring to Jones, told reporters. “It was a beautiful thing.” There was no evidence that Jones was disrupting the event or started any physical contact.

And it’s become a disturbing, familiar pattern: Last year, a Black man was kicked, punched and called the N-word by whites at a Trump rally in Alabama and last week, a group of African-American students from Valdosta State University in Georgia were abruptly herded out of a Trump rally while some of the students angrily complained that racial epithets were hurled at them by whites.

Trump will continue to hold his raucous rallies leading into Tuesday’s five critical primaries, which include Ohio and Florida.

“My people are nice. My people are great,” Trump told a crowd in Ohio on Saturday. “Don’t let them rip you away from your position. These are bad people. These are people who don’t want to make American great again.”

McGraw said he cold-cocked Jones because Jones “wasn’t acting like an American.”

Aren’t peaceful protests the cornerstone of American principles and ideals? I remember Southern whites calling Black folks “un-American” because they were marching for justice — peacefully — during the civil rights movement in the 1960s.

But today, we’re again witnessing the violent resurgence of racial and cultural polarization from Alabama to Illinois as history is repeats itself. Americans are once again sitting on a racial powder keg but this time it’s Trump, not George Wallace, who is lighting the fuse.


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Donald Trump Wants To Take America Back – To The 60’s  was originally published on

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