Tom Joyner, WTTE Exclusives

For iPhone; Where is that missing plane? That is the million dollar question. It has been two weeks since Malaysian Flight 370 disappeared, and now there…

Features, WTTE Exclusives

For iPhone users: We first learned and I first reported on the power of Black Twitter back in the summer after the George Zimmerman verdict.…


CNN’s Don Lemon has an emotional reaction to President Barack Obama‘s “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative. What do you think about Obama’s plan for young men…


For iPhone users: Yesterday at the White House I met a 19-year-old young man named James Adams who has a commute unfamiliar to most high…


For iPhone users: A grown man in his 40’s shoots into a car full of teenagers and kills one of them Sound familiar? It does,…


For iPhone users: Clarence Thomas says society is overly sensitive about race. I knew it was going to be controversial the moment I opened the…


02/13/14- Comedian Chris Paul runs through the hottest topics of the day including Derek Jeter’s retirement, Don Lemon and the Samuel L. Jackson/Laurence Fishburne mix-up.


Don Lemon, CNN anchor and race provocateur du jour, says that KTLA entertainment reporter Sam Rubin made an understandable mistake when he confused actor Samuel L.…


For  iPhone users: Michael Sam’s acknowledgement of being a gay football player sparked a whole lot of controversy and a whole lot of criticism this…


For iPhone users: I have to admit that although I love to watch it and talk trash with my buddies, I don’t know that much…


For iPhone users: Two inches of snow shuts down one of the biggest cities in this country. People were stranded on roads and interstates for…


For iPhone users: There are three big goals that scare the hell out of a lot of people that President Obama will discuss in his…