Hundreds of years ago, slaves sought the North Star to point them in the direction of Northern states and Canada so they they could escape…

Should a towering monument of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. be erected on Stone Mountain, Georgia where the KKK once famously gathered for huge cross…

News & Gossip

The NBA star has been cleared of all charges and found not guilty of resisting arrest stemming from an altercation in April with the NYPD which ended with the cops breaking his leg.

Gerod Roth somehow thought it was a good idea to post a picture on his Facebook page of his coworker’s young son. Unfortunately for him,…

Ahead of his starring role in Creed, the seventh sequel in the Rocky series rebooted for the next generation, its star, Michael B. Jordan, is facing… The NAACP chapter in Jefferson County, Ala. is arguing that a mural depicting slaves picking cotton while a White overseer watches should be removed from the county courthouse, Think Progress reports. The mural, made to represent the “Old South,” was installed at the entrance of the building in 1934; a time when Black people were […]


A private Christian university in Spokane, WA is under fire after members of the women’s soccer team dressed up in blackface in an attempt to honor The…


As expected, MTV’s Video Music Awards 2015 brought out stars of pop culture importance in their Sunday best — whether that meant wearing shimmery gowns, jeans…

The Chief Executive Officer of the Napa Valley Wine Train did the right thing Tuesday and apologized to 11 black women who were unceremoniously ushered…

Black children have the highest rate of asthma in America, but there is a very specific and indisputable reason for that. Click on the audio…

Unemployment remains one of the biggest problems in the Watts community in which residents and supporters are calling for more jobs to open.   WATTS,…


Taxi driver fined $25K for refusing to pick up black executive and her kids in Midtown. — New York (@DNAinfo) August 6,…