1. The devastating awkwardness of figuring out if you should kiss each other good-bye. As your relationship begins to blossom like two flowers in the…

  After the relationship is said and done, men hit you with the same lines. Listen to the audio player to hear Jasmine Sanders list the top 10…

Love And Lifestyle

According to some wives, you should have sex every single night to be happy. That’s obviously bull because no one has time for that and…

Love And Lifestyle

“Why don’t you make an honest woman of her?” Whitley Louvier and her boyfriend of seven years, Brad, were enjoying his coworker’s wedding when the…

Love And Lifestyle

She was caught after another parishioner recognized the setting while he was just, you know, browsing the Internet and not looking at porn. He alerted…

Love And Lifestyle

He Still Think He’s Going to Be A Rapper He Has A 100% Junk Food Diet And He Has No Idea How to Cook He…

Love And Lifestyle

My boyfriend of five years just broke up with me. We talked about taking a break a month prior, and things were actually OK between…

In news that is relevant to anyone who has ever been drunk, sober, or has sent a text message, psychology professor Bruce Bartholow created a…

Why give up sex for a year? I just got to the stage where it wasn’t sitting well with me, sleeping around and partying and…

Love And Lifestyle

Saying sorry isn’t always easy, so here are some tips: 1. The best way to apologize is “quick and intense,” according to Dr. Grenier. The…

Love And Lifestyle

1. The childhood crush: Recess spent hugging and hand-holding inevitably ended in heartbreak or humiliation when she bashfully rebuffed your French kiss advances and/or moved…

Love And Lifestyle

#WorstWayToDumpSomeone is trending on Twitter today, and I combed through the expected responses (“by text,” “on their birthday,” “during sex,” etc.) to find 11 dumping…