Nia Noelle

Sex. Just reading that word takes your mind into a million places, doesn’t it? If you’re like me, then your thoughts settle onto your go-to fantasy. And our fantasies always paint us as the ultimate lover. There’s never any undressing struggles, no awkward queefs or pesky charlie horses to ruin the mood. But what if […]

Nia Noelle

The Rev. Juan D. McFarland of Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Montgomery Alabama rocked his congregation when he decided to come clean about his sins! On September 14th as he stood in front of his congregants and revealed to them how he had full-blown AIDS had still had numerous sexual affairs with church members, mishandled church […]

  Ways to Deal When He Wants More Sex Than You Do Reasons why your man wants more sex than you do and tips on…

1. Tattoos I don’t know when this little interest of mine developed, but at some point over the past five years I started to notice…

Love And Lifestyle

What’s important when you are searching for a soul mate? Agreeableness: According to the book, The Science of Happily Ever After, it’s most important to…

Love And Lifestyle

Therefore, when the dating site Millionaire Match asked, “Is it a turn-off to men when a lady pursues them?” they received interesting answers on both sides.…

Love And Lifestyle

1. Men like beautiful women Yes, this is true and I didn’t make that up. I would be the happiest person in the world if…

Love And Lifestyle

#1 – He’s Afraid Some men really struggle to control their emotions, and a lot of men become extremely scared when they become vulnerable. If…


It’s only as big of a deal as you make it. Have you both talked about your differences and how it affects your relationship? When…

You’re in your fifties, but you only look forty. But what do men really think about your age? I want to ask you a question:…

Think you’re ‘too complicated’ to find a man? Think again. A woman is complicated for a very good reason: to separate the horny, needy and…

Why would anyone want their ex back? I must get asked this a hundred times a week! They love to point out, your ex is…