
Tom and the crew open the show talking about George Zimmerman’s rescue and a crazy story about a woman who shot a man in a…


Take a listen to find out what Tom, Sybil and J. Anthony Brown had to say about Tavis Smiley‘s Kool-Aid comments.on President Obama’s Trayvon Martin…


Tom and the crew open the show talking about his appearance on CNN’s “Piers Morgan Live” and much more.


Tom and the crew open the show talking about CNN’s interviews with Rachel Jeantel and juror “B37″.


Tom and the crew open the show discussing the George Zimmerman verdict.


Tom and the crew open the show talking about Ruben Studdard heading to “Biggest Loser”, Kevin Clash‘s big win and “Dexter.”


Tom and the crew open the show talking about the heat wave occurring on the west coast, the death of 19 firefighters in Arizona, the…


Tom and the crew open the show talking about the George Zimmerman trial and ponder the question of whether President Obama should or could detour…


Tom and the crew open the show talking about the two people on trial for bad butt injections, Chris Bosh’s latest custody plea, Chris Brown’s…


Tom, Sybil and J. Anthony Brown are split on the topic of whether Paula Deen deserved to be fired. Take a listen to find out…


Tom and the crew open the show reflecting on how Alonzo and Tracy Mourning dissed him over his “jinx”, well, what can cheer the fly…


Tom and the crew open the show talking about the George Zimmerman trial, Whitey Bulger and of course, the NBA finals.