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According to the first single from Beyonce’s highly anticipated album 4, girls indeed run the world.

Thanks to her musical contribution to First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign, her recent Billboard Millennium Award, and surprise farewell performance to honor Oprah, all eyes from middle-age school rockers to professional intellectuals are on Beyonce. The 29-year-old is an influencer. From the words of her recent hit, “my persuasion can build a nation,” and she knows it.

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Beyonce has built a musical career based on girl empowerment and the seduction of men. In her efforts to empower women, though, she has endorsed a self-absorbed world where a false view of love reigns supreme. Her songs reveal a worldview where men and women indulge in lust, lavish spending, and fantasies of catering, upgrades, and joy rides. I don’t see much responsibility or empowerment of either sex in that kind of behavior.

Yet the lyrics of her recent single acknowledge the men who respect what she does. In her skimpy attire, she seduces them while singing we have “endless power, our love we can devour when you’ll do anything for me.”

The question that haunts me and should arise from moral women of influence is: What type of power is Beyonce encouraging women to embrace? Is an average girl’s persuasion enhanced by flaunting her body, vanity, and money more than modesty, character, team building, and leadership that place the needs of others above themselves?

I am not insisting that women are not smart, sensible or successful. Women have come a long way, and I am proud of that. I feel that women can do anything they put their minds to and be successful.

However, I do not support the “dumbing down” of the male gender. If we continue to do this, relationships will never be equal, and more importantly, society will never be equal.

Women in the 1960s and 1970s advocated gender equality, not gender superiority.

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