Tom Joyner

COINTELPRO, short of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Program, was created by former director J. Edgar Hoover as a means to spy on and disrupt anti-American interests in the nation. The program’s invasive reach was ended on this day in 1976 after the release of the so-called “Levi Guidelines” from former Attorney General Edward H. Levi. Levi, […]

Social media, while effective, is also where modern-day surveillance thrives. Here, Black Lives Matter activist Arielle Newton and former Black Panther Rosemari Mealy discuss the pros and cons.

Social media, while effective, is also where modern-day surveillance thrives. Here, Black Lives Matter activist Arielle Newton and former Black Panther Rosemari Mealy discuss the pros and cons.

VIA: SpeakOutNow.Org Through her activism and her scholarship over the last decades, Angela Davis has been deeply involved in our nation’s quest for social justice. Her work as an educator – both at the university level and in the larger public sphere – has always emphasized the importance of building communities of struggle for economic, […]