National, WTTE Exclusives

The problems people are having signing up for the health insurance exchanges are almost comical — or at least they are to comedians Damon Williams…

I already knew that radical Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas has real contempt for President Barack Obama, but his recent racially-offensive joke was a…


Reverend Al Sharpton reminds the TJMS that although the Affordable Care Act website has it’s glitches, it’s important to remember the big picture that it…


Last week, Dr. Ben Carson said Obamacare is the “worst thing” since “slavery”. Well, Tom and the crew think slaves would disagree!  

Dr. Ben Carson, the GOP’s favorite minority darling and former director of pediatric surgery at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, has compared President Barack Obama‘s Patient…

National, WTTE Exclusives

President Barack Obama, unwavering in his position,  is refusing to negotiate with House Republicans on Obamacare and the debt ceiling, said House Speaker John Boehner…


Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) compared President Barack Obama to a drug-dealer pushing crack cocaine in the form of Obamacare to the masses, reports MSNBC. “President…


Senior advisor to President Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, talks with the Tom Joyner Morning Show about the inception of the Affordable Care Act. — TOM…


Text your affordable healthcare questions to “646464″ (OHOHOH). Anton J. Gunn, Director of External Affairs in the Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs (IEA) at…


  CLEVELAND — It was a busier than normal Monday at Cleveland’s Celebrezze Federal Office building, where thousands of government workers were updated on whether or…

  Starting October 1, 2013, Americans who will need or want health insurance will be able to visit  While at the Health Insurance Marketplace potential participants will…


The Health Insurance Marketplace under The Affordable Health Care Act (more commonly known as “Obamacare”) is a new way to find health coverage that fits your budget and meets your needs. Open enrollment starts Tuesday, October 1, 2013 and coverage starts as soon as January 1, 2014. While this is a very exciting time for […]