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Your Parents Were Yuppies
A person born to a couple in their 30s grows up to find older faces more attractive than does one with younger parents, finds a study from the University of Saint Andrews in Scotland. That is, college-aged women with “older” parents were likelier to find wrinkled, weathered faces attractive for either a fling or a marriage. The same was found for young men when considering a woman for a long-term relationship. (Take note: Only a man’s mother’s age, not his father’s, influenced his attraction to older women.)
Your Limbal Rings Are Riveting
The eye’s limbal ring goes in the category of overlooked but not unseen. It’s the dark circle around the iris that enhances the whiteness and brightness of the sclera (the whites of the eyes). Researchers at the University of California at Irvine asked people to rate sets of faces that were identical except for the eyes—one had dark and distinct limbal rings and the other had none. The outcome? Whether male or female, the faces with prominent limbal rings were considered more attractive. The likely reason is that a dark, well-defined ring is a signal of youth and health—qualities that people seek in mates. It’s thickest and most prominent through the early 20s and fades—often becoming nonexistent—with age and medical conditions.
You Were the One Using the Pick-Up Line

Women are pickier than men, right? Not true, says a speed-dating study from Northwestern University. When men remained seated and women rotated around the room, approaching a new man at every table, the women acted more like guys—that is, they appeared to have lower standards. Regardless of gender, whoever makes the first move is less picky than the people they target, the researchers found. When we invest an effort, we’re more “into” the people we hit on than we’d be if they approached us first
So…. What does your attraction say about you? Comment Below!

The Experience: What Does Your Attraction Style Say About You?  was originally published on