Need to lose weight? You might just need a little spice in your life! Listen to the audio player to find out how chilli peppers…

Want to know if someone is trustworthy? Well, finding out might be easier than you thought! Listen to the audio player to hear what this new…

Rich men may not be all their cracked up to be. Listen to the audio player to hear the report that says men with money typically…

A new study is reporting there is a switch in the brain that could reset your body clock. Listen to the audio player to find…

Foods that make you nicer? Hmm. Give me some of that! Listen to the audio player to hear the three foods that reportedly affect your mood…

Many people suffer from deep depression, but don’t know why. Listen to the audio player to find out important details about the disease and what might…

What can’t Google do!? The tech giant reportedly can now detect cancer. Yup! Listen to the audio player to find out about the their new…

Are you curious how many kids live with both of their parents compared to those who live with one? Listen to the audio player to hear…

One thing people dread about clothes shopping is trying them on. But it might not be such a pain anymore. Listen to the audio player to…

It turns out women do cry more than men, but why? Listen to the audio player to hear the reason. Plus, find out just how often…

Do you feel separation anxiety when you’re without your smartphone? Well according to a new study, this is a real thing. Listen to the audio player…

  If you thought you reach your peak intelligence in your thirties, think again! Listen to the audio player to hear the new research about…