Love And Lifestyle

I am getting married soon, and that means I have to change. How did I learn this? Well, my fiancee told me so (which means it must be true). And as if to reinforce it, our pre-marital counselor (who I’ve decided gives hand signals to my fiancee during our sessions) has also told me that […]

Love And Lifestyle

Dear Gay Best Friend, I’ve been in as rocky relationship for three years. My boyfriend infected me with HIV.  He unknowingly had it for years. My treatment is going well and high in numbers. His is low and stable. We don’t talk about it with each other. I emotionally cheated on him just to feel […]

Love And Lifestyle

Dear Gay Best Friend, Ok, I’m a Gemini so excuse the indecisiveness. My dilemma: stay or go. Here are the facts: I’ve been “seeing” dude for almost a year. Early on learned he wasn’t relationship material because he’s in love with himself. Literally. Decided to deal with him sexually no strings attached because I was […]

Love And Lifestyle

Dear Gay Best Friend, I just read an article of yours online and felt the need to inquire more advice from you. So, here’s the deal: I met this guy 2 weeks ago at a football party. He has text me non-stop, even text good morning and good night every day. Not to mention he […]

Love And Lifestyle

I came across an article that my girl Ronnette of Per Diem Newyork shared on Facebook entitled, “Are you dating a man or a Boy?” So of course I read it and shared it on my FB page because of the dopeness factor. I was then challenged to write a rebuttal, a mini manual let’s […]

Love And Lifestyle

Dear Gay Best Friend, I need help, advice and I need it fast. Time is winding down. Would you say this is about money or respect or NOTHING WORTH FIGHTING FOR? Is it too late for us to repair the hurt feelings? About 2 weeks ago my boyfriend asked me to add him to all […]

Love And Lifestyle

Dear Gay Best Friend, I’m a male who is going through a separation right now. I’m 32 and she is 27. We have been married 5 years. I knew her for 9 years. We have no kids. We were having issues within our marriage with communication. There was no abuse or cheating. She started to […]

Elev8 Health

When you notice that a friend suddenly won’t answer your text messages, tweets, texts or emails, this can be an unnerving and disturbing situation. According to, the first sign that something could be ‘wrong’ with a friendship is often when you just don’t hear from your friend. Some people are not good at initiating […]

Love And Lifestyle

Dear Gay Best Friend, I have been dating since I was 16 years old and have never been single. I’m 28 now. As one relationship ends I find myself in a new one, sometimes within days. I have never been married and have no kids. I have had two 5 years relationship back to back. […]

Love And Lifestyle

In Canada we celebrated Thanksgiving this past weekend. Yes it’s significantly early and it does bother me that there is a month with no holidays but I’ve learned to accept it. After satisfying my unusually larger than life appetite I stayed chopping it up with one of my favorite aunts into the wee hours of […]

Love And Lifestyle

In an informal IHop round table discussion on my recent and way-too-short trip to the Big Apple for the Battle of The Sexes event a group of us got into it about double standards. One gentleman at the table remarked that he paid close attention to a woman’s profile picture. He said something to the […]

Love And Lifestyle

Dear Gay Best Friend, I am a 46-year old divorced male and single parent of 3 children. I have a very good female friend who has been my friend for about 13 years. I have seen her through one failed long-term relationship with a good male friend of mine, and approximately 6 months ago she […]